Monday, December 3, 2012

How has assessment play either a positive or negative role in your life? What types of assessment do you believe are most effective and best for determining and measuring growth?


  1. Assessment has been positive because they are a good gauge on how I am doing, where I am in the class, and what I need more work on. However, it does depend on what kind of assessment stratigey is being used. I do think that tests are important and are usefull, effective, and effecient, but I do not think that they are the end all-be all in measuring student's understanding. I think that if other methods such as projects, papers, and even one-on-one teacher/student

    1. Are there specific situations in which one method of assessment is more effective than another?

    2. DO you think that there is a negative or positive connotation of the term assessment depending on the way someone is raised? I was just thinking about how certain families place so much worth on standardized testing because it determines for them, a spot in a school or a spot at a higher level classroom while others might not get that opportunity to begin with so aren't exposed to the types of competition that assessment could potentially create....

    3. Interesting. How do you feel about the type of test that is given? Is there one that can be more effective in assessing an individual or are they all pretty similar in their end results? Can they easily be geared to provide the desired assessment and does this help or hurt the process?

  2. I think that assessment for me, has been a two way street. First as a student in primary and secondary school, assessment was such a traumatic experience for me. At the time there was a rule that I wasn't allowed to advance to the next grade if I didn't pass the WASL which I thought was completely irrelevant and ridiculous because even after taking the exam several times, I realized that there was never any follow up between what was incorrect and how it could be improved. It was frustrating just continually taking tests without any sort of feedback and so my early experiences weren't very positive. Eventually they did away with that ineffective rule and people did a lot better, because the pressure wasn't as intense since the test results did not determine your advancement in grade level. Then as I got older and became an educator, finding new methods of assessment and even redefining the role it plays in my subjects' lives was a positive experience for me because I got to assign reason to what my actions were and how students would 'take' these assessments.

    I think assessment that allows for extended periods of growth and learning curves are helpful to students because they get to see how far they've come from where they started. I also think that assessment with feedback is definitely important to improve progress and can determine where students still have challenges in, as well as strengths that can be bolstered to support how to improve on the challenges.

    1. I also thought that WASL rule was ridiculous. Even if a student had a 4.0 GPA, they couldn't graduate if they did not pass the exam! This just seemed ridiculous to me. What types of assessment do you prefer to use? Do they vary depending on the situation?

    2. How do you feel that assessment plays a role in the those that teach? Meaning how do we assess the teachers to ensure that those learning are being taught by those that are capable of teaching? Big questions, I know.

  3. How do you feel about using assessments as tool for teachers to gauge their students. Do you think that tests are the only form effective of assessing? What kinds of assessments would you use on your students?

  4. Assessment has been mostly positive for me. I like get feedback to determine what exactly I am doing well on and what I still need to improve upon. I think tests can be an effective measure of assessment, but only when paired with other methods: projects, papers, demonstrations, conferences, etc.

    1. So in your opinion, what types of assessment would you do for your own classroom as a French teacher? Do you think that there can be at least one assessment exam that captures the majority of developmental stages? Is it even possible to have a relative universal assessment?

  5. I think assessment has played both a positive and negative role in my life. Growing up I was constantly reminded of the SAT and how incredibly important it was in pretty much determining if I was going to be living in a high rise with a private jet or living on the streets homeless and poor. Thinking back on it, it was pretty crazy the importance that was placed on this assessment test. I wound up doing completely awesome on the test and was praised for such high marks, but in reality it didn't lay out the red carpet for me to go and do anything I wanted. This type of assessment just seemed negative and stressful. It is important to have tests such as these as a tool to help determine where a student stands in reference to his peers, but only as a tool and used to formulate and create cirriculums that will assist in the success of that student and those around him/her.
    Positive assessment has played a role in my life through employment. In personal one on one assessments on performance, I was able to advance and earn more pay and better hours. This helped my situation and life in many ways. These were not written tests but rather tests that were observed through the course of time.
    I think that one on one interaction with tests used as tools are the best form of assessment.

  6. I agree that the type of assessment strategy and what's at stake makes a difference if the assessment is a positive or negative experience.
